The First Real Profits

When Lara became part of the Bimbo® family, I never imagined the changes that would bring into my life and the life of my peers. I only became aware of them on a day in May when I got to work early. Eager as always, I took my place and started one more day not knowing it would be very special and happy. Our supervisor sent us a note asking us to go by the cashier’s desk with our ID to collect. “Collect what?” I thought. We were all surprised. When I got to the van where we were paid, I didn’t know what it was about until I was handed my envelop containing a payment on profits. I was surprised to see the amount.
I could hardly believe it. I was very happy and immediately thought of my daughters and what I could get for them with that unexpected money. I went back to my place to continue working feeling happier than normal and listening to all the comments about the payment we had received. We couldn’t believe it. We recalled what we had received when this was not yet part of Bimbo®; it was almost nothing; not even enough for our bus-fare; some didn’t even go by to collect. But that was now in the past. Now we really shared in the profits. Since then, our lives have changed. Thank you Bimbo®!