Contact Us And Let Us Know Your Inquiries

For questions or comments about our products, please contact us via phone, e-mail, mail, fax or chat. Urgent inquiries should contact our Consumer Hotline Number at 1-800-984-0989*.

What is your guidance on allergenic ingredients for highly sensitive consumers?

Wheat, soy, milk, eggs and tree nuts may be present in the bakeries. We follow all of the Good Manufacturing Practices established by the FDA for cleaning after an allergen is run on the line. To determine if any allergens are used in a specific product, please refer to the packaging which lists all ingredients present in the product or this information can be viewed on SmartLabel when the QR code on the package is scanned.

Consumer Questions and Feedback

Toll-free phone: 1-800-984-0989 * M-F

8am - 8pm EST

Fax: 610-320-9286

Contact us online with any consumer inquiries about our products.

*Calls outside normal business hours will be assisted by an answering service.

Mailing Address

Bimbo Bakeries USA Consumer Relations Deparment

P. O. Box 976

Horsham, PA 19044

Chat With Us

Please click the button below to chat.

Available M-F 8am - 8pm EST