Reforestemos Mexico A.C.

During 2012, we worked with 13 CFEs (Community Forest Enterprises) with 263.476 hectares under sustainable forest management and we provided capacity building for 233 people from 26 communities with 27 productive projects. We worked in partnership with 40 companies and more than 9,943 volunteers.
As of 1998, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, SEMARNAT for its acronym in Spanish) called companies operating in the country to participate with resources to reforest certain areas in Mexico. Grupo Bimbo® always interested in contributing to the wellbeing of society, invites its associates to participate through donations. For each peso contributed by associates, the Company equaled that amount in order to plant one million trees. In total, eight natural areas under protection were benefitted that year.
Reforestamos México
After this initiative, this type of projects continued on a permanent basis through a civil association created by Grupo Bimbo®. Hence, on May 21, 2002, Reforestamos México was established; an organization with the mission to preserve, and recover trees and forestry ecosystems (mainly forests and rainforests) that Mexico needs for its development, always based on the principles of human dignity, abundance and harmony with nature.
The vision of Reforestamos México is to have forests and rainforests that provide abundant forestry goods and environmental services, where people may lead a dignified life and in harmony with the environment.
Reforestamos México works with 65 groups, 104 communities and 17 ethnic groups, from the Tarahumara Sierra to the Maya rainforest developing capabilities that foster sustainable practices, ensure the preservation of natural resources and generate wealth and its equitable distribution.